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What are the procedures?

The most common procedures performed during rhinoplasty are:

  • Increasing mentoplasty (for chin advancement or chin implant)
  • Mentoplasty by forward or backward sliding

Mentoplasty augmentation

Chin augmentation consists of the placement of a prosthesis in front of the chin. It can be placed preferably through the mouth, below the gums, in such a way that there is no visible scar.

In other cases, when a refinement procedure is also performed on the neck (double chin) a small external incision can be used below the chin.

Pre-molded silicone prostheses are used, imported and authorized by ANMAT. They exist of different sizes and shapes that are adapted to each case and in some cases or conventional ones are carved in an artisanal way.


Mentoplasty by forward or backward sliding

The advancement mentoplasty is very useful when a larger increase is required. The great advantage of this technique is that the chin can fit in the three axes of space:

Forward or backward, to gain or lose height and reduce lateralities.

This technique is also reversible and once remodeled the bone does not require the presence of prosthetic material. With the sliding it can be modified up to 2 cm. in the profile view, both forward and backward, by which it is preferred when an increase greater than 7 mm is required. Once the bone is mobilized, it is fixed with a titanium plate (Chin Plate) and does not require prosthetic material to maintain the aesthetic change.

If there is excessive development of the chin (prognathism), a retraction mentoplasty can also be performed, removing excess bone and maintaining its contour at the same time. If in addition to the aesthetic problem due to lack or excess of chin, there is a functional disorder in the bite (open bite, inverted bite), orthodontics and orthognathic surgery may be needed, which involves moving the entire jaw forward or backward.

Among the tools that we have to evaluate the cases we take as very useful the cryptosecal cephalometry and the evaluation with simulation programs during the medical consultation.


Rinoplastía Avanzada | 2018
Cirugía Estética y Reconstructiva de Nariz en Reynosa, Monterrey, Nuevo Laredo, Dr. Vidkar Iván Campos Martínez

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